Computer Science & Engineering comprises of the basic knowledge of computer programming
and networking. The computer science experience will give ample knowledge about the
implementation design and management of the entire information system in both the aspectshardware as well as software.
Developing good engineers is more difficult than developing good software. So ultimately, the
responsibility of teacher is much more than any other designations. Because everyone initiates
his/her journey from a particular teacher. Taking the importance of these responsibilities into
considerations we are trying to develop unique characteristics in students by shaping them with
not only academic but also industrial education.
Inspiring from our honorable principal and respecting his experience in educational field we are
following his principals for developing policies of department.
In view of present global challenges, we need to train our students with following values:

1) Discipline
2) Academics – project based learning.
3) Inclusive growth
Therefore, I will specifically work upon following agendas on priority with cooperation and
contribution from you all.
1) Project based learning
2) Involvement of parents
3) Societal projects
4) Industry interaction
5) Raising core competencies and extension of education.
6) Research projects and publication.
7) MOU, collaborative projects and consultancy